Hand Image
(Fig. 8/1)
Hand Image
(Fig. 8/1A)
Hand Image
(Fig. 8/2)

If you drew a line in the middle of the palm from the base of the fingers to the base of the wrist, the portion in which the thumb is situated would represent the conscious mind and the amount of heat in the body and the other one would be the part concerned with the unconscious and the amount of cold. (See Fig. 8/1)

Children and the family are a part of the conscious mind -- that is the half of the palm where the thumb is the one concerned with the progeny and the family of an individual.

In Western palmistry the vertical lines on the lines of sexuality (See Fig. 8/1 A) represent the pregnancy of a person, but, according to the Samudrika Shastra that the portion around the thumb is the one, one must study if one has to answer questions regarding children and family of a client. The experience of the present author gives him reason to believe that the Samudrika Shastra is right in this context because the origin of life is concerned with the part of the palm where the index finger and the Mount of Venus are situated. The area concerned with the development of the mind is the one where the little finger and the mount of Luna are situated. The bracelets/rascettes are the lines which coordinate the two portions of the palm. That is why they are also important. But, if you want to answer questions with regard to progeny you will find the signs on the Mount of Venus and the area around it. This is so because the Mount of Venus is concerned with sexuality.

The lines of progeny indicate a person's procreative powers. If either the man or the woman—one of them--has the procreative powers and the other is benefit of them, the lines become powerless. That is why one has to study the palms of both the husband and the wife to answer questions with regard to children. Only then can any forecast be made. If there are any defects in the lines, remedies must be suggested in such a way that one of the spouses is not able to blame the other for childlessness. Remedies must be suggested for both the spouses to save them from mutual recriminations.

The Question of Progeny

While answering questions about children the first thing to be studied is the line at the base of the thumb where there are islands and also the Mount of Venus. Next the shape of the rascettes should be studied and later the Line of Life, the Heart Line, the Head Line and the Line of Saturn.

The large islands at the base of the thumb (See Fig. 8/2) represent male progeny and the small ones girls. Study both the thumbs and if the number of islands is equal in both, a definite answer can be given. But, if the islands are only at the base of one of the thumbs you can say that so many boys/girls are a probability.

Hand Image
(Fig. 8/3)
Hand Image
(Fig. 8/4)
Hand Image
(Fig. 8/5)

The lines emanating from the outer edge of the base of the thumb which come towards the Mount of Venus near the base of the thumb (See Fig. 8/3) represent the number of children. Long lines represent boys and small ones girls. If the lines are without any faults the children are likely to be healthy or helpful to the parents. Defective lines represent unhealthy, short-lived or children who are not helpful to their parents.

If the Line of Life is semi-circular, the Line of Saturn emanates from it and the Head Line is without any defects (See Fig. 8/4) the children are lucky for their parents. To find the age at which a couple will have children calculate the age at which the Line of Saturn has emanated from the Line of Life. The time can be calculated according to the rules pertaining to calculation of age from the Line of Saturn.

If the line of Life is straight, its defect is offset only when the Line of Saturn touches the Line of Life as it goes towards the middle finger. (See Fig. 8/5). This is the age at which the children are likely to be born. The age can be calculated from the point when the Line of Life comes near the Line of Saturn.

Hand Image
(Fig. 8/6)
Hand Image
(Fig. 8/7)
Hand Image
(Fig. 8/8)

If the Line of Life emanates from the Mount of Jupiter (See Fig. 8/6) or if a branch of that line goes towards the Mount, the number of children is large. A short parallel line between the Head Line and the Heart Line, which is on the Defensive Mars (See Fig. 8/7) also represents children.

If the Heart Line at its end, that is towards the Defensive Mars branches out in many directions (See Fig. 8/8) it is a sure sign of a couple having children.

Hand Image
(Fig. 8/9)
Hand Image
(Fig. 8/10)
Hand Image
(Fig. 8/11)

If the branches of the Heart Line thin out as they go towards the fingers (See Fig. 8/9) children bring good luck to their parents.

If there are two triangles, one above and another below the Heart Line and both of them form a square (See Fig. 8/10) it is a sure sign of a couple getting children.

A thin Heart Line with branches in the palm of a woman is indicative of her being happy with her husband and children.

If the Line of Saturn forks out in two branches as it reaches the Mount of Saturn and one of the branches goes towards the Mount of Jupiter (See Fig. 8/11), it is an indication of a person begetting children.

Hand Image
(Fig. 8/12)
Hand Image
(Fig. 8/13)
Hand Image
(Fig. 8/14)

If a branch of the Line of life enters the Aggressive Mars and runs parallel to it (See Fig. 8/12) a person is likely to have cordial relations with his children. See, in addition to other signs, whether the Mount of Venus is firm because it indicates possibilities of children being born. If the Mount is under-developed, those possibilities lessen to the extent of its under-development. If there is a grill on an under-developed Mount of Venus, it has the same effect as a well-developed one. Other signs must, therefore, be consulted before any forecast is made.

Signs Indicative of Obstructing the Birth of Children

If there is a 'V' on the line between the two phalanges of the thumb (See Fig. 8/13) there are obstructions in the birth of children.

If a twisted line of influence emerging from the first phalange of the thumb come, to the Mount of Venus (See Fig. 8/14) it is an indication of childlessness.

Hand Image
(Fig. 8/15)
Hand Image
(Fig. 8/16)
Hand Image
(Fig. 8/17)

If the Line of Life doubles itself and describes a large island (See Fig. 8/15) there is a possibility of a person having sickly children or an abortion.

If the Line of Life is full of islands, shortens the circumference of the Mount of Venus, a thick Line of Saturn stops At the Heart Line (See Fig. 8/16), it indicates obstacles in the way of having male progeny.

If there is an axe line with the Line of Life, and an island on the Head Line in the area of Saturn (See Fig. 8/17) there would he obstacles to having children.

Hand Image
(Fig. 8/18)
Hand Image
(Fig. 8/19)
Hand Image
(Fig. 8/20)

If the ends of a double Head Line describe an island (See Fig. 8/18) there are obstructions to be getting children.

Similar is the effect of a star on the meeting point of the Head Line and the Line of Mercury on the palm of a woman (See Fig. 8/19). Same is the case when the Heart Line is without any branches.

If the Line of Life straightens and goes towards the Mount of Venus (See Fig. 8/20) it is an indication of childlessness.

Hand Image
(Fig. 8/21)
Hand Image
(Fig. 8/22)
Hand Image
(Fig. 8/23)

If the Line of Life is straight, there is an island over it and also an axe line (See Fig. 8/21) there are obstructions to having children.

Similar is the effect of large islands funning the first rascette (See Fig, 8/22). But a chain of small islands is beneficial.

If the first rascette is circular and it's protruding circular part faces the palm (See Fig. 8/23) there are obstructions to be getting children. If other signs are favourable, a child is born later in life.

Hand Image
(Fig. 8/24)
Hand Image
(Fig. 8/25)
Hand Image
(Fig. 8/26)
Signs Indicating Progeny Who Will Cause Troubles

If there is a wavy line at the junction of the two phalanges of the thumb (See Fig. 8/24) one must not expect any happiness from his progeny.

If the Line of Life is incomplete and a thick Line of Saturn stops at the Head Line (See Fig. 8/25) progeny are likely to cause endless worries to their parents.

If the Heart Line is thick, starts from the Mount of Saturn and a thick line of Saturn stops at the Heart Line (See Fig. 8/26) children would col-dilute to cause worries to their parents.

Hand Image
(Fig. 8/27)
Hand Image
(Fig. 8/28)
Hand Image
(Fig. 8/29)

If a Line of influence from the mount of Luna starts with an island, and meets the Line of Saturn which has island (See Fig. 8/27) there will not be much happiness from one's children. If there is a question with regard to marriage such a sign can be taken to mean that there are obstructions to marriage.

If the lines parallel to the Line of Mars on the Mount of Venus are broken (See Fig. 8/28) it is an indication of obstructions to any happiness from one's progeny.

Signs with Regard to Parents and Family

We have referred to the Indian Samudrika Shastra's dictum in previous images and articles to the effect that a man's Heart Line on the right palm tells you about his wife and the Heart Line on the left palm of the woman about her husband. Here we would like to add that the Head Line in the left palm of a man (mantri rekha) indicates the state of health/longevity etc. of his mother-in-law and the Line of Life (Pitri rekha) about his father-in-law. Similarly, the Head Line on the left palm of a woman tells you about her mother-in-law and the Line of Life about her father-in-law. But this belief is still under investigation. Readers can study the pa1n3 of their friends and relatives to find the truth.

If the Line of Life emanates from the Mount of Jupiter, the person gets full affection/love from his parents/guardians. (See again Fig. 8/6). Similar is the case when a line emanating from the Mount of Jupiter touches the Line of Mars.

If a line of influence from the Mount of Jupiter touches the Head Line, a person gets the affection/love of his parents for a long time.

If the Heart Line has many forks at its point of origin (See Fig. 8/29) the parents have a long life. You must remember that the Heart Line emanates from the Mount of Jupiter and ends at a point between the Mount of Mercury and. the Defensive Mars.

Hand Image
(Fig. 8/30)
Hand Image
(Fig. 8/31)
Hand Image
(Fig. 8/32)

If a line dividing the two, phalanges of the thumb is forked (See fig. 8/30) a person is deprived of his mother.

If there is one island at the point of origin of the Line of Saturn (See Fig. 8/31), or there is a fork (See Fig. 8/32), or there is a cross (See Fig. 8/33), the person is deprived of his parents/guardians in his childhood.

Hand Image
(Fig. 8/33)
Hand Image
(Fig. 8/34)
Hand Image
(Fig. 8/35)

If there is a star at the beginning of the Line of Life or the Head Line (See Fig. 8/34), a person faces many family tragedies during his childhood.

If there is a star on the branch of the Line of Life which goes towards the Mount of Jupiter (See Fig. 8/35), a member of the family meets with a tragedy.

Hand Image
(Fig. 8/36)
Hand Image
(Fig. 8/37)
Hand Image
(Fig. 8/38)

If the Line of Lift is forked in the beginning, one branch going to the Mount of Venus to encircle it and the other towards the wrist (See Fig. 8/36), a person is likely to he brought up during his childhood by persons other than his parents. Such a position also indicates the possibility of travel to foreign lands.

The Line of Mars, though parallel to the Line of Life, originates separately. Bet, if it starts, not independently, but as a branch of the Line of Life and encircles the Mount of Venus, a person gets the love/affection of his progeny. He is also likely to get the affection of his parents and also a share in patrimony (Refer again to Fig. 8/12).

Lines indicating progeny are found on the part of the Mount of Venus near the thumb (See Fig. 8/37-A), the lines on the part of this mount near the wrist indicate siblings (See Fig, 8/37-B). Those lines among them which are long are indicative of brothers and the short ones of sisters.

Signs Indicating Family Responsibilities

If the Line of Saturn emanates from inside the Line of Life from the Mount of Venus, a man is burdened with family responsibilities. He can find respite from them only when the Line of Saturn separates from the Line of Life and enters the area of Saturn (See Fig. 8/38). If such a sign is found on the palm of a girl, she is likely to give up her comforts lot the sake of the family. But, if other signs are unfavourable, she might even turn into what is known as a socialite or playgirl.

Hand Image
(Fig. 8/39)
Hand Image
(Fig. 8/40)
Hand Image
(Fig. 8/41)

If the Head Line hugs the Line of Life for a considerable' distance, a person is burdened with family responsibilities. He gets a respite only when the two lines separate (See Fig. 8/39). The time when this would happen can be calculated according to the rules pertaining to calculation of age from the Line of Life.

If the distance between the points of origin of the Line of Life and the Head Line is considerable (See Fig. 8/40) a person is free from family responsibilities.

An island in the Line of Saturn adjacent to the Line of Life indicates a bad family situation at the time it occurs. The time can be calculated according to the rule pertaining to the Line of Saturn (See Fig. 8/41).

Hand Image
(Fig. 8/42)

The age at which the Line of Saturn is near the Line of Life (See Fig. 8/42) is the time when a person is burdened with family responsibilities. If the Line of Saturn is thick this effect is accentuated.

If the three main lines of the palm are thin, deep and without any faults, the family is likely to be large, but finances tend to be sufficient to run the family.

Let it be said that the lines indicating progeny, siblings and parents arise only when a person has emotional attachment towards those persons or he heartily hates them. If there is no sense of attachment, family lines on a palm do not emerge. It is the most difficult thing to read such a hand. In such cases one must study the shape of the hand, the fingers and the thickness of the lines before one can make any forecasts about a person.