Reading a hand is like delving into the deep sea which is bottomless. Some palms have a multiplicity of lines and the palmist does not know from where to begin and some have so few lines that he finds it difficult to answer the questions that the client wants answers to. This is a difficulty which every palmist faces in the beginning, but with constant practice and experience he is able to overcome it.

Here we give twenty pairs of hand prints of men and women from various fields of life. We have dealt with the lines of the palm in the first and second parts of this book and you would find a composite picture of those lines in these handprints. Some of the persons whose handprints are given here are prominent: and famous persons in their respective fields, but their names have been withheld. We have only identified them by saying that so and so is a prominent industrialist or that the handprint belongs to a woman entrepreneur.

The readings of the handprints are for the benefit of the readers and those who seek training from the author in the science of palmistry. How much of the reading is to be told to the client depends on the palmist's discretion at the time of giving it.

The descriptions accompanying the handprints identifies the fingerprints, nails and mounts wherever such identification was necessary. It is pointless to go into details of all the signs on a palm.

The reading is given by keeping in mind the need to consider the active hand as the main palm. Where clear indications are not available on the active hand, support is sought from the signs on the inactive hand.

The author hopes that the handprints and their readings would help the readers to understand what the lines on the palm signify and they would be able to give independent readings of their clients' hands.

Handprints 1-A, B

These are the handprints of a 37 years old businessman. The hand is heavy and large. The thumb is shorter than normal and its first phalange is almost equal to the second. The little finger is long but in a low setting. The Mount of Venus and the aggressive Mars are developed, but the Mount of Luna is under-developed. The other mounts are displaced. There is the island on the joint of the two phalanges. There is a clear and well-defined island in the left thumb.

Hand Image
1-A, The Left Hand

There are three vertical lines on the Mount of Apollo on the right palm which resemble somewhat a trident.

Hand Image
1-B, The Right Hand

A clear Yava between the two phalanges of the thumb. A Yava resembles an island.

At the base of the thumb there is a line resembling a chain. There are two lines of sexuality: the upper one is long and thick but the one below is short. The right hand is the active one.

Thumb of a normal length indicates that the person is possessed of normal intelligence, but the long little finger is an indication that he is very wise in so far as his own personal interest is concerned. But, because of the low setting of the little finger he is not able to express himself clearly.

The hand is heavy: it means that the man is courageous. The large hand is an indication of the fact that he wants to go into details of things. The fact that the two phalanges of the thumb are equal in length indicates that there is a balance in the capacity to think and the power to act. A well-developed Mount of Venus is proof that he has a fair amount of vitality and also sexuality. The developed state of the Aggressive Mars is an index of an angry nature. Taken in conjunction the developed state of the Mount of Venus am the chain-like line dividing the thumb from the palm indicate that there is a good possibility of children being born. A clear line on the Mount of Venus near the base of the thumb shows that one of his children will live long. The end of the Heart Line is forked, an indication of excellent progency.

If there is a clear and well-defined island on the line dividing the two phalanges of the thumbs, it presages good luck. But, here the island on the right hand is broken, but, in the left, it is clear and wet: defined. It means that he would get the benefit of one and a half islands. This person will never face financial stringency.

Let us now take the lines of the palm. The Line of Like is circular, it is thick at places and thin at others, which is an indication of fluctuations in relations with the family members and also in business. But the fact that the line is circular reduces its fault to some extent. The lines of influence from the Aggressive Mars intersect the Line of Life till the age of 38, which indicate obstacles placed in his way by the members of the family. But these lines have not reached the Mount of Saturn which means that in spite of obstacles there will be success in earning money. The lines of influence do not intersect the Line of Life after the age of 38 years, but the line is thick at this point which indicates that the family obstacles would continue after 35. This thickness of the Line of Life continues up to the age of 48, which means that these obstacles would vanish after that age.

Hand Image
2-A, The Left Hand

Count the Lines 4 Saturn in this hand and identify.

Hand Image
2-B, The Right Hand

There are only a few lines in this hand. The Line of Life is straight in both the hands.

Handprints 2-A, B

The handprint belongs to a young unmarried woman of 22 whose active hand is the right one. The nails are short, the index finger long and the ring finger and the little finger are inclined towards the middle finger. The mounts of Jupiter and Mercury are well-developed, the second phalange of the thumb is long and the knots of the fingers are soft. There are two lines of sexuality in the right: hand, the upper one is longer and inclined downwards, that is towards the Heart Line. The line of sexuality in the left hand is straight.

The number of lines on the left palm is limited and they are not faulty. In comparison, the lines of the right hand have more faults. They are broken or are thick at places and thin at others. It is clear that the girl has herself spoiled her luck. This could be due to many reasons. For example, the short nails point towards a wayward nature which insists on having its own way. Fingers without knots and the second phalanges of the thumb being longer point towards less of action and more of imagination in the person. Such a person is given to making plans which cannot be implemented. The developed Jupiter and the long index finger means that the person wants prestige, which, if unavailable, tends to spoils the lines.

The active hand is the right one that is why we roust first study it. The Line of Life is straight and its beginning is faulty. This indicates that till the age of 16 to 17 years there would be problems created by the family and the health would be indifferent. The fault of a straight Line of Life is removed when the Line of Saturn touches it and goes towards the fingers. The Line of Saturn emerging from the wrist intersects the Line of Life at age 28 and goes straight to the Mount of Saturn. This is the time when some special achievement is indicated. It could be marriage.

A line of influences coming front the Mount of Venus intersects the Line of Life at 28 touching the Line of Saturn and proceeds towards the Mount of Apollo. It means that the girl would be free from the shackles of the family at 28 and would march towards success. But, this line of influence becomes thicker and then vanishes. This could mean that she would have to struggle for success in a more pronounced manner. Good works and remedies might result in the line appearing again.

Hand Image
3-A, The Left Hand

A hand full of many lines. Such a hand indicates Hyperactivity of the man's mind.

Hand Image
3-B, The Right Hand

This handprint belongs to a rich, 30-years old woman whose active hand is the right one

Handprint 3-A, B

The fingers are asymmetrical--in other words they are not placed in a straight setting. The little finger is short, is in an inferior position and inclined backward. It is separate from other fingers and to some extent it might be called a crooked finger.

The second phalange of the thumb is longer, the Mount of Venus is developed, with the other mounts being normal. There are two lines of sexuality in the right hand. One of them has two forks, one of which is inclined towards the Heart Line.

Too many lines indicate a mercurial temper. The result is that she thinks too much and has no peace. The lines of the right palm are better than those in the left, which means that there is a tendency towards improvement.

The branches of the Heart Line go towards the Head Line which presages the greater force of the brain. The little finger is crooked which is a sign of a person who thinks only of his own interest. The line of sexuality has two forks which presages differences of opinion with the spouse. The non-existence of the Line of Mars supports this theory. All the signs point towards a person who would think only of his own self-interest. The Line of Life end the Head Line is combined for the first 18 years and is twisted like a rope. The Head Line is defective till age 21.

Till the age of 21 years the woman must have suffered from an inferiority complex and financial troubles. This view is supported by the first section of the Line of Saturn which has emerged from the middle of the wrist. This line is forked near the wrist which shows a deprived life in childhood. The Line of Life is double till the age of 28 and describes an island. It is an indication of physical and family troubles.

The incomplete Girdle of Venus is a sign of mental disquiet. The main trouble from which she is suffering is connected with the highly sensitive nervous system. There are many Lines of Saturn. The main Line of Saturn has emerged from the middle of the wrist and is forked in the beginning. We have already interpreted the significance of this. The second Line of Saturn emerges from the lower part of the Mount of Luna and merges with the main line at the age of 28. The Line of Mercury emerges from this junction of the two lines. This indicates some achievement in the business field at the age of 28. The woman started taking active part in the family business at this age.

Hand Image
4-A, The Left Hand

Notice the three Rings of Solomon and the Line of Life which begins from the Mount of Jupiter. The hand is an excellent example of such a Line of Life.

Hand Image
4-B, The Right Hand

Compare the Heart Line in the right and the left hands.

Handprint 4-A, B

The handprint belongs to a 41-year old trader whose right hand is the active one. There is a double loop in the print of the left thumb and nine whorls in the rest of the fingerprints. The little finger is in low setting. The Mount of Mercury below its base is under-developed, but the other mounts are developed in a normal manner. The thumb is of normal length with the second phalange larger. There is an island on the joint between the two phalanges of the right thumb. The island in the left thumb is bisected. There are two lines of sexuality in each hand. The upper line has two forks and one of the two forks is inclined towards the Heart Line.

We would interpret mainly the lines on the right palm.

The Line of Life has emerged from a point near the Mount of Jupiter which shows overweening ambition, but there are delays in the fulfilment of desires because the other lines are not helpful for that happy outcome.

The Line of Life encircles the Mount of Venus and tends to go towards the Mount of Luna which indicates a great amount of vital force and the desire to travel. From the high point of the Mount of Luna you can see lines of influence entering the mount, which points towards a tendency to travel, but the Line of the Sun is not helpful to that tendency.

One Line of Life ends at the age of 60 years, another starts from the year 59. That shows that the period between the ages of 58 and 62 years is the time of changes in the family. This might result in a break-up of the family, or, it might result in change of residence, but the change would not be a happy one. The Line of Life which starts at 59, goes up to 80 years on a parallel course, which means that the life span might be of 80 years.

The Head Line is good and inclines towards the Defensive Mars. It points towards a pragmatic nature and a good financial position. Let us also take into account the effect of the islands in both the thumbs. The island on the right thumb is well-defined, but the one on the left thumb broken. We can, therefore, say that the benefit would be that of one and a half islands. It is a good hand from the financial point of view, but we would also study the Line of Saturn to get confirmation of the financial state of affairs.

Hand Image
5-A, The Left Hand

A depression in the middle of the palm. The hand lines had to be drawn with a pen.

Hand Image
5-B, The Right Hand

There are many influence lines on both the hands.

Handprint 5-A, B

This handprint belongs to a young woman of 24, who works for a firm, but wants a change for better service prospects.

The mounts of Luna, Venus and Aggressive Mars are underdeveloped. The other mounts are normal. The little finger is short and is in low setting. There are islands on the area between the phalanges of the two thumbs and a chain at the base of the thumb. There is one line of sexuality in the right hand which is inclined towards the Heart Line. In the left hand there are three short lines of sexuality.

Since her active hand is the right one, we should concentrate on that.

The Line of Life is defective till the age of 21 and has emerged from the Head Line. Till that time she has suffered from an inferiority complex and has kept indifferent health. The Line of Life ends towards the Mount of Luna, which points towards travel abroad. To know when that would become a possibility look at the fact that the Line of Saturn emerges at age 31 as a branch of the Line of Life. That is the time when her wish to travel to foreign lands would be fulfilled.

Between the Mounts of Venus and Luna, a small line has emerged towards the Mount of Saturn. The time when it emerged was the age of 21 years. That was time when she got the job. Between the ages of 24 and 26 there is an indistinct island on this line. The upper part of the island touches the Line of Saturn. Another Line of Saturn has emerged from the Mount of Luna at 22 years, the time when this lady got married. Because of the second Line of Saturn the fault caused by the island on the first one has been removed which means that there is financial gain between the ages of 24 and 26 but with some difficulties.

Hand Image
6-A, The Left Hand

Many of the branches of the Line of Life going upwards.

Hand Image
6-B, The Right Hand

The Ring of Solomon in the left hand in distinct, but in the right it is broken.

Handprint 6-A, B

The handprint belongs to a 36-years old, prosperous businessman. His active hand is the right one.

Fingers when spread remain closer to each other than they normally do. The little finger is long and the mounts of Mercury and Defensive Mars are under-developed. The Mount of Venus is over-developed, the state of development of other mounts being normal. There is an island between the two phalanges of the thumb. There are three lines of sexuality in each hand which are long and they incline towards the Heart Line.

The fact that there is not much distance between the fingers shows that the man does not easily change his views. The Mount of Mercury is under-developed, but the length of the little finger offsets that defect. The Line of Mercury which has emerged from the Line of Saturn supports this view. He has a good business sense.

The Line of Life has many branches, they are all inclined towards the Mount of Jupiter. The multiplicity of lines points to overweening ambition, but it also shows lack of concentration of any one objective which rarely leads to the achievement of any of them.

A branch of the Line of Life goes towards the Mount of Luna at age 42. It has an island. This is an indication of change of place which will not be happy because of the island.

In the right hand the main Line of Saturn starts in the 22nd year of life: it could be a time of marriage or entry into business.

The Line of Mercury emerges from the Line of Saturn in the 30th year of fife. It goes towards the middle of the area between the mounts of Mercury and Apollo. This is good both for business and fame. Going a little further the line vanishes into many small lines which are bunched together and then becomes indistinct. This indicates the possibility of diseases caused by flatulence or those of the stomach and the intestines.

Hand Image
7-A, The Left Hand

A star between the mounts of Saturn and Apollo, the Line of Saturn is broken in the middle.

Hand Image
7-B, The Right Hand

A Saw toothed Line of Life of Saturn fragmented at many places.

Handprint 7-A, B

The handprint belongs to a European male aged 31 years whose active hand is the left one.

The hand is both large and wide. The first phalange of the thumb is long, the fingers are knotty, and the index finger is short and the third long. The fingers are inclined towards the middle finger. The mounts of Jupiter, Luna and the Aggressive and the Defensive Mars are under-developed. The mounts of Saturn and Mercury are over-developed. The mounts of Apollo and the Venus are normal in development. There is an island between the two phalanges of the thumb and a chain at its base. There are two straight lines of sexuality in the right hand. There is one such line in the left hand and that is inclined towards the Heart Line.

The large, wide palm points towards the fact that he is a man of action and is also able to go into the finer details of things. The first phalange of the thumb is longer than the second and the ring finger is longer than the index finger. Both these signs point towards a tendency to take risks. The Mount of Saturn is generally depressed but in this hand it is developed and because the fingers are inclined towards the middle one, the effect of Saturn is enhanced. The man is fond of solitude. The fingers are knotty, the Mount of Mercury is developed, the Mount of Jupiter under-developed. The index finger is short and the Heart Line is indistinct. All these signs point towards a tendency to put personal profit before principles: there is no sentimentality in the man.

An under-developed Mount of Luna and a developed Mount of Mercury shows a tendency for change of place. A sign of the fish on the palm shows the possibility of foreign travel. The combined effect of all these signs is that this Youngman, born in Czechoslovakia, affiliated to a spiritual organisation goes about the world propagating its philosophy but the signs of the hand indicate that he is not basically spiritual.

We read the handprint taking his left hand as the main one.

On the inside of the Line of Life (that is towards the Mount of Venus and the Aggressive Mars) there are teeth like those of a saw and the segments of the Line of Mars overlap. A tine of influence from the island on the Mount of Venus crosses the Line of Mars. The Heart Line in the right hand has islands, but the one on the left hand is broken. There are islands in the Head Line. The Line of Saturn is broken at many places but its segments overlap. These signs taken in conjunction with the fact that the line or sexuality in the left hand is inclined downwards, one can say that many women have come in contact with this Youngman, but he is prone to severe relations with One the moment he comes in contact with the next He has no sentimental attachments with anybody.

Hand Image
8-A, The Left Hand

A small island at the end of the Life of Life. Find another island in this palm.

Hand Image
8-B, The Right Hand

A typical example of a long palm.

Handprint 8-A, B

The handprint belongs to a 28 year old, unmarried Youngman working as a clerk in a firm.

The palm is long and the Mount of Venus is over-developed. The mount of Apollo and the Aggressive Mars are underdeveloped, with the other mounts being normal in development. In both the hands the line of sexuality is near the base of the little finger rather than near the Heart Line.

The main question he asks is about his marriage and career and his active hand is the right one.

The long palm speaks of his love for planning and tends to reduce his activities or the capacity to act. The line of sexuality is away from the Heart Line, nearer the little finger and his marriage therefore, is likely to occur in his 30th year. But one cannot make a prediction on the basis of this sign alone, but should look at the other lines too.

The main Line of Saturn emerges from the middle of the Mount of Luna at age 27. There was possibility of marriage in that year, but it did not materialise because there is a segment parallel to that line which runs with the Line of Saturn from 27th to 28th year. This segment speaks of his love affairs. He rejected the proposals of marriage made to him in that year. His beloved married somebody else which led to his being in a state of dejection for some time. Later on, he agreed to marry, but he could not get the right type of bride. This fact he has accepted as true.

Failure in love is evidenced from the gap in the Line of Saturn between the ages of 29 and 30. In his left hand there is an island in this line at that age which is formed by the three sides -- the Line of Life, the Line of Saturn and the Line of Mercury.

In the right hand, the Line of Saturn emerges at age 31 as a branch of the Line of Life. That is the time for marriage. In the year 32 another Line of Saturn emerges from the Line of Life. This line is distinct and well-defined which points to some special achievement. (NOTE: At the time this book went to the press the man came to see me again when his age was 32. He told me that he married in his 30th year and that his wife was expecting.) It is now clear that special achievement was his marriage/Child.

Hand Image
9-A, The Left Hand

The Line of Life in both the hands is short, but when this man came to consult me he was 67.

Hand Image
9-B, The Right Hand

Looking at the Line of Life in both the hands you can say that age is not apparent only from this line.

Handprint 9-A, B

The handprint belongs to a famous 67-year old doctor whose active hand is the right one.

The hand is broad and heavy, the first phalange of the thumb is short and the little-finger is short and placed in a low setting. The Mount of Mercury is depressed, but the other Mounts are normal. There is an incomplete line between the two phalanges of the thumb. There is a chain like line at the base of the thumb. The lines on the right palm are better as compared to those on the left one. That means that the man has improved his luck due to his own efforts. The evil effects of the signs are reduced because the hand is heavy. We read the hand keeping these things in view.

The Line of Life is thick and incomplete. There is an incomplete line between the two phalanges car the thumb. Both these signs speak of family complications. Having known this fact we turn to other signs.

The Line of Mars is just not there. That shows that the man has no sentimental attachments, nor does he expect any cooperation from any quarter. The Heart Line is thick and segmented, having emerged from the base of the middle finger. That shows that even to satisfy his sexuality he thinks only of his own pleasure. The depressions indicate that health might be adversely affected because of psychological traumas.

There are many Lines of Saturn in the right hand. The first of them emerges from the Line of Mercury at the age of 21. It is segmented and meets the Line of Life in his 28th year. At first sight it looks like a downward branch of the Line of Life. At 28 a clear and well-defined Line of Saturn emerges from the Line of Life. This man married at the age of 21, but the marriage was not successful His medical practice started when he was 28.

Hand Image
10-A, The Left Hand

Notice in this palm the Line of, Saturn which is thick, but which thins out later - a typical example.

Hand Image
10-B, The Right Hand

Is this Line of Life incomplete and the Line of Saturn forked in the beginning?

Handprint 10-A, B

The handprint belongs to a youth of 28 years. It is a heavy hand of which the thumb is large, its second phalange is longer and there is a well-defined island between the phalanges. There is a string of islands clearly visible at the base of the thumb. Except the Mount of Luna all the mounts are developed. The fingers are knotty, the middle finger is inclined towards the third finger and vice versa. The line of sexuality is downwards and the active hand is the right one.

The hand is heavy and wide. Such a person is given to action and is lucky. The fact that the middle and the third fingers are inclined towards one another shows a vacillating natures, out this effect is offset by a large thumb which signifies lots and lots of common sense. The fact that the second phalange of the thumb is longer speaks of the capacity to think in addition to being active. The lines on the right hand are better than those on the left. It means that there is a tendency towards the auspicious.

The challenging element in this hand is the fact that at first sight it appears that the Line of Life is short and the Line of Saturn has two forks in the beginning.

A Line of Saturn with two forks in the beginning signifies a life of want in childhood and also deprivation in the matter of love from parents. But since I know the person from childhood I was surprised because facts belie this conclusion. I studied the lines again and found my error.

In fact the Line of Saturn has merged with the Line of Life in the beginning. What appeared to be a fork of the Line of Saturn turning towards the Mount of Venus is in fact the last part of the Line of Life which encircles the Mount of Venus. And the Line of Saturn representing the age between 21 and 28 years is connected to the Line of Life through a fork of the latter line.

Hand Image
11-A, The Left Hand

How different are the right and the left hands?

Hand Image
11-B, The Right Hand

Identify and count the number of islands in this palm.

Handprint 11-A, B

The handprint belongs to a young lady of 25 whose active hand is the right one. The question she asks is about when her marriage would take place.

The palm is long and the second phalange of the thumb is longer. There is a broken island between the two phalanges. There are one and a half islands on the line on the base of the thumb. The little finger is in a low setting and is long. The Mounts of Jupiter and Mercury are specially developed. The Aggressive Mars is under-developed and the other mounts are of normal development.

The palm being long and the second phalange of the thumb being longer than the first are both signs which Show a weakening of resolve and an increase in mental activity. A long little finger and a developed Mount of Mercury show that she is clever. But the developed Mount of Jupiter adds an element of idealism, which would save her from taking to wicked ways.

There are many inauspicious signs in the left hand, e.g., there is an island in the beginning of the Head Line and another between the Line of Life and the Head Line. An island is formed by the Line of Life and the Line of Mars. Another island is formed by the beginning of the Line of Mercury, the end of the Line of Life and a line of influence. There is still another island at the end of the Head Line.

The lines on the right palm are better than those on the left. It means that there is a tendency towards the auspicious. The effect of the islands on the left paint is half of what it normally is the last island between the Line of Life and the Line of Mars on the left palm is at the age of 28.

There is an island on the Line of Life on the right palm till the age of 21. There are signs that the troubles and problems would lessen after that period, but the effect of the islands on the left palm would persist till the age of 28.

Remedies to offset the effects of the island would have to be used The girl is religious -- she would benefit if she worships Lord Shiva and his consort the Goddess Parvati and keeps fast on Mondays and during Navaratras. That would give her peace of mind and the inauspicious effects would be offset. Let us now look at the right hand. The Line of Saturn has emerged in the 20th year of her life. At this age the girl took up a part time job in addition to her studies. The reason was that the social milieu in which she lives favours a working girl as a bride.

Hand Image
12-A, The Left Hand

Count the ascending branches of the Line of Life in both the hands.

Hand Image
12-B, The Right Hand

Identify the Lines of Saturn, Mercury and the Sun in both the hands.

Handprint 12-A, B

This belongs to a boy of 17. This is the time in life when one has many questions to which he wants answers. We shall try to answer all of them.

The active hand is the right one and it is wide and heavy. There are vertical stripes on the nails, the thumb is short and there is an incomplete island between its two phalanges. There is a chain at the base of the thumb. The Mount of Venus is over-developed. In the fingerprints there are 6 whorls, two double loops, one dosed loop and one loop. The Mount of Jupiter is under developed the other mounts being of normal development. In the right hand there are two long lines of sexuality which are looking downwards. In the left hand there are two such lines, the upper one is longer and downward looking and the lower one is short, but straight.

Two double loops in the fingerprints and the second phalange of the thumb being longer are sips of a person who is constantly in a dilemma. A short thumb indicates lack of common-sense and six whorls are signs of a person who must have his way. We should now took at the lines keeping these signs in mind.

The Line of Mercury, Saturn and the Head Line have, after many disturbances gone in the directions in which they should. This shows fluctuations and a state of indecision. Many ascending forks of the Line of life point towards the tendency to attempt many things. They also show lack of concentration on any particular task. All these signs are of a person who is indecisive. Vertical Strips on the nails are rare in this age and they mean that the boy is suffering from tension.

Now for the information that he has himself supplied: there is a large family business and the family if waiting for him to complete his education and join it. But the boy has other ideas. But he is not clear about what he should do. Since it is the right hand which is active, we mould, in the main, concentrate on it.

The Line of Life is circular and the hand is heavy. These two signs tend to convert the inauspicious into the auspicious. The line is forked at the end, one of the forks going towards the Mount of Luna. It shows foreign travel being a possibility. The time when he would undertake it would be the period when the Line of the Sun emerges.

Hand Image
13-A, The Left Hand

There is no Heart Line in either hand.

Hand Image
13-B, The Right Hand

Look carefully at the Line of Life in both the hands and say whether it is forked at the end or is it something else?

Handprint 13-A, B

This is the handprint of a young man of 30 whose active hand is the right one. It is as firm hand. The colour of the nails is white and they have vertical stripes.

If you look at the fingerprints you would find double loops on both the thumbs. On the fingers there are six whorls and two loops. The nails are of normal size and there are vertical strips over them. The size of the thumb is also normal, with the first phalange being shorter and the second larger. There is a broken line at the junction of the two phalanges and a chain at the base of the thumb. The Aggressive Mars is under-developed, but the other mounts are of normal development. In the right palm there is one straight line of sexuality. In the left there are two forked lines and they look downwards.

A peculiarity of this hand is that instead of the Heart and the Head Line there is only one line. If this single line had been between the normal positions of these lines we could have called it the Simian line, but it is near the place where the Head Line should be and that is why it is the Head Line. In other words we can say that there is no Heart Line in the hand, which means that the person is not sentimental but one who would think of his own interest before he does anything.

Double loops in both the thumbs and the second phalange of the thumb being longer are the signs of a person who is always on the horns of a dilemma. There are six whorts on the fingers and the distance between the points of origin of the Head Line and the Line of Life is more than normal. These signs speak of a person who must have his way. In other words, a person who is indecisive, but wants others to act according to his wishes. This tendency comes in the way of success and is the cue of the lines being faulty.

Hand Image
14-A, The Left Hand

The Line of Life in this hand is likely to confuse one.

Hand Image
14-B, The Right Hand

All the main lines are thick, and the Line of Life is short.

Handprint 14-A, B

This is the handprint of a 28-year old youth, who is a semi-skilled worker whose active hand is the right one.

The hand is hard, the nails are small with large stripes over them, the thumb is normal with too second phalange larger and the mounts of Jupiter and Apollo, together with the Aggressive Mars are under-developed. Mount of Mercury is developed and the other mounts are normal in development.

Persons with hard hands and small nails do not accept new ideas. The fact that the mounts of Jupiter and Apollo are under-developed and the Mount of Mercury is developed signifies that the man gives pride of place to his own self-interest and that social prestige or fame have no place in his scheme of things.

The main lines and the Line of Mars are thick. The Line of Life in the right hand is straight which, at first sight, appears to be the Line of Saturn and the Line of Life on the left palm is not only straight, but also short. These signs come in the way of the man getting full results from his endeavours. The incomplete Line of Life signifies rot only financial but also family problems.

In the right palm the Line of Life has gone up to the Mount of Luna. In the hand of a rich man this could be the sign of travel abroad, but for a poor man, which this man is, even travelling from Bihar to Delhi is like travelling to foreign lands.

The Line of Mars is thick and has two branches which speaks of marital troubles. This line thins out after the 32nd year and remains away from the Line of Life, which is a sign of another marriage or extra-marital relations.

There are many Lines of Saturn in this hand, but the first Line of Saturn in the right hand emerges from the Mount of Luna in the 22nd year. It vanishes in the 24th year and reappears in the 28th. The period from the 24th to the 28th year is not good either for finances or for the family. After the 28th year the line becomes distinct. In the 29th year the Line of the Sun emerges from the Line of Life and in the 30th a line of Saturn emerges from it. I: means that the period after the 28th year is a time of constant gain.

Hand Image
15-A, The Left Hand

A good example of a hand with many lines.

Hand Image
15-B, The Right Hand

All the main lines except the Heart Line are thin.

Handprint 15-A, B

It belongs to a 58-year old woman whose active hand is the left.

There are vertical strips on the nails, the first phalange of the thumb is long and the island between the two phalanges is broken. The Mount of Jupiter is aver-developed, while the mounts of Venus and Aggressive Mars are under-developed. The other mounts are of normal development. There is a chain at the base of the thumb. The lines of sexuality in the right hand are short and forked.

There are two lines of sexuality in the left hand and they are inclined towards the Heart Line.

Too many lines in a land indicate a personality whose mind is active on various channels. The fact that the first phalange of the thumb is longer indicates resoluteness. Vertical lines on the nails speak of tension and depression. In spite of the fact that lines on her hand are thin and auspicious, she is bereft of peace of mind and is under tensions. Let us go into some detail and find out the reason why.

One look at the hand and you feel that this is the hand of a very ambitious lady, because in both the hands the Line of Life has emerged from the Mount of Jupiter or its branches have gone to this mount. The mount itself is well-developed. All these signs speak of overweening ambition. And excess of ambition brings disquiet.

A line of influence touches the Line of Saturn in the left hand at age 21. This acts as a bridge between this line and the Line of Life. Later there is another line of influence between the Line of Saturn and the Line of Life which continues. Till the 30th year. In the right hand the line of Saturn starts with an island and the island has continued fill the 26th year. All these signs speak of a life of want till the age of 21 and there was no happiness from the parents. For confirmation of this, notice the island and broken lines between the Head Line and the Line of Life during this period. Till the 26th year there have been problems of every kind and for 30 years she has been subjected to family pressures.

Hand Image
16-A, The Left Hand

Lines which are neither thick, nor thin.

Hand Image
16-B, The Right Hand

See the point of origin of the Line of Saturn. Is it forked? Or, is it something else?

Handprint 16-A, B

It belongs to a youth of 19 whose active hand is the left one.

The hand is heavy, large and pliable. In the fingerprints there are 6 whorls one double loop, one closed loop and two normal loops. The thumb is short, the second phalange being larger. Between the phalanges of the thumb is an incomplete island. At the base is a large, but incomplete island. The fingers are thick and even when spread like a fan they tend to stay close to each other. The Defensive Mars is undeveloped while the mounts are of normal development. The line of sexuality in both the hands is near the little finger and not the Heart Line. He wants to know when he would get wealth.

Six whorls in the fingerprints and thick fingers which tend to stay close to each other in spite of their being spread and a short thumb are all signs of a person who does not easily change his views. But a soft skin and the large second phalange of the thumb tend to mollify the evil effect of these signs. Except the Defensive Mars all the mounts are of normal development. The heavy hand is also an auspicious sign which reduces the evil effect of the inauspicious lines. Thick fingers in a heavy hand and the short distance between them even when spread do not speak of a person who could engage in trade. Nor are they auspicious signs for a studious mind. But these signs are good for industry and production. When his efforts would bear fruit can be known from a study of the lines.

Taking the left hand as the main object of study we now see the lines.

The Line of Life is circular and ends towards the Mount of Luna which shows that there is a possibility of foreign travel. The time when this would be a possibility is the 32nd year, as we see from the Lines of the Sun. There is no Line of Mars in this hand which shows that the man does not want any cooperation from any quarter. It is possible that he would stand on his own feet.

The Line of Life which appears to have two branches at the-end or in the beginning of the Line of Saturn is a very confusing sign. The Line of Saturn has emerged from near the wrist (from the lower end of the Mount of Venus) and after having crossed the Line of Life enters the area of Saturn in the 20th year. This Line of Saturn meets another which has emerged from the Mount of Luna. This meeting point of the two lines creates the impression that the Line of Life has two forks at the end and the Line of Saturn begins with two forks. In fact this is the Line of Saturn which has emerged from the Mount of Venus. Another Line of Saturn emerges from the Mount of Luna and this combination creates a confusion.

Hand Image
17-A, The Left Hand

Look at the peculiarity of the Line of Life in both the hands and calculate the age till which the owner of his hand would live.

Hand Image
17-B, The Right Hand

Note the difference between the Heart Lines on the two hands.

Handprint 17-A, B

The handprint belongs to a 40-year old businessman whose active hand is the right one.

The thumb is large. There are two lines between the two phalanges of the right thumb. Between the phalanges of the left thumb there is a broken island. On the base of the right thumb there are two large islands while there is one large island on the base of the left thumb. There is not much distance between the fingers when they are spread. The little finger is long and the mounts of Venus, Jupiter and the Aggressive Mars are under-developed. The mounts of the Sun and the Mercury are developed. The other mounts are of normal development. In the right hand the line of sexuality which is above the other one is long but downward looking. There are two straight lines of sexuality in the left hand. There are eight whorls and two closed loops in the fingerprints.

The man wants to give up his share in the family business in which his brothers are partners and wants to strike on his own in a (afferent city. He wants to know whether he should do it or not.

Let us study the hand signs with this query in view. Later, we shall come to other matters. The Line of Life is straight in both the hands. In the right hand there is an axe line with the Line of Life which continues till the 28th year. In the 30th year the Line of Life has two branches, the smaller branch or fork looks towards Mars. The larger one looks towards Saturn. The large branch is clear till the 40th year and becomes indistinct later on. In the left palm a branch of the Line of Life touches the Line of Saturn.

A straight Line of Life, a Line of Life with an axe line -- both these conjunctions point towards family problems. Normally a small Line of Life indicates a short life, but, in fact, it is not so. Here keeping in view the query our client has made, the short Line of Life is an indication of change of place.

In the right palm there is a depression under the mounts of Sun and Saturn near the Line of Saturn. According to the rule applicable to the Line of Saturn the time would be between the 33rd and the 40th year. This is a period of serious difficulties but it is now conning to an end. That is why a change of place is a certainty. The effect of the depression is over after the 40th year and the branch of the Line of Life in the left palm has touched the Line of Saturn. The Line of Saturn gives support to the Line of Life and that means that the time of difficulties is almost over.

Hand Image
18-A, The Left Hand

There is a difference between the Line of Lire and the Line of Mars in the two hands.

Hand Image
18-B, The Right Hand

The disorted shape of the mounts of Mercury and Apollo is due to corn like surfaces on the palms.

Handprint 18-A, B

The handprint belongs to a 40-year old travel agent whose active hand is the right one.

The hand is hard and the fingers tend to stay close to each other even when they are spread. There are seven whorls in the fingerprints. The first phalange of the thumb is short. There are two broken lines between the two phalanges of the thumb and there are vertical stripes on the nails. The Mount of Jupiter, Defensive Mars and the Mount of Luna are undeveloped, the other mounts being normal in development. There is one line of sexuality in the right hand which is downward looking. In the left there is one line of sexuality which is straight. In the left hand there are hard spaces resembling corns on the Mount of Apollo and the Mount of Mercury which have been caused by driving a motor cycle and carrying a heavy bag.

The main question is about marital life and the time when he would get ahead in the world.

First we should look at the line of sexuality to know about his marital life. In the right palm it is downward looking. Later we will take a look at the Line of Life and the Line of Mars.

The Line of Life in the right hand is straight and finishes off in the 30th year. The Line of Mars too becomes indistinct in this year. Later it vanishes and reappears in the 65th year. The Line of Life is circular and long in the left hand but there is an elongated island till the age of 21. It shows family problems from the very beginning, but the active hand is the right one according to which there are many problems in the family and marital life. The other lines parallel to the Line of Mars provide support which give strength to the man.

The earlier part of the Line of Saturn is forked. It shows that the person was deprived of the love of parents in his childhood. A triangle adjacent to the Line of Saturn between the years 28 to 32 signifies financial gain during this period, but it is this period during which the Line of Mars stops and becomes indistinct. That is why marital problems have become more serious in this period. The man himself says that during that period he had secured good job but members of his wife's family somehow managed to have him dismissed. Going into details he informed me that the family of his wife is better off financially than he is. Socially too that family is better than his own. He says that his Wife's family, under whose influence the wife and his children are, cannot countenance the idea that he should rise above his present status and managed to have his services terminated whenever he is able to secure a good job.

Hand Image
19-A, The Left Hand

The junction of the Line of Luna and the Line of Mercury gives the false impression of a line of intuition.

Hand Image
19-B, The Right Hand

Notice the distance between the Line of Life and the Head Line.

Handprint 19-A, B

It is the handprint of a 37 year old woman entrepreneur whose active hand is the right one.

The thumb is large and there is a distinct island between the two phalanges of the right hand. In the left hand there is a string of islands and a chain at the base of the thumb. The index finger is short and the third finger long. The fingers are placed in the shape of an arch. When spread the fingers are not much distant from each other. The Mount of Mercury is well-developed and the Aggressive Mars is under-developed. The other mounts are normal in development.

The lady is in the garment export business and wants to expand it. Her question is whether the present is the right time to do so.

We would look at the lines of the palm, particularly those of the right palm, first with this query in view.

There is an island in the middle of the thumb. The mount of Mercury is developed and the fingers are placed in the shape of an arch. These are auspicious signs from the point of view of financial gain. To know which is the best time. We cast a look on the lines.

The Sun Line arises after the 36th year and between the ages of 35 and 40 there is a triangle adjacent to the Line of Saturn. The Line of Mercury is improved after the 28th year. After 35 the Line of Mercury is clear and is inclined towards a point between the mounts of Mercury and Apollo. After the 42nd year a clear Line of Saturn has emerged. All these signs point towards profits from business. The time is ripe to expand the business but its good results would become apparent in the 42nd year, when a thin Line of Saturn emerges from the Head Line.

Let us now look at the hand from the point of view of student of palmistry. From the financial point of view this is a good hand but from the point of view of a family and marital life it is not good.

Hand Image
20-A, The Left Hand

The number of lines are limited and they are thick.

Hand Image
20-B, The Right Hand

There is no Line of Saturn in the hand, but there is one in the right.

Handprint 20-A, B

The handprint belongs to a 21-year old youth, whose active hand is the right one.

The hand is hard, the thumb long and its second phalange longer of the two. There are two short lines on the junction of the two phalanges of the thumb and a chain of islands at its base. The little finger is short and is in a low setting. The Mount of Venus is well-developed but the other mounts are of normal development. There is one line of sexuality in the right palm situated slightly above the middle portion of the Heart Line near the little finger. There are two lines of sexuality on the left palm, the upper one is long and the lower one short. There are nine whorls in the fingerprints.

Normally a person in this age group wants to know about his marriage and his career.

A person with a hard hand is not afraid of hard work and does not change his views lightly. The number of whorls in the fingerprints supports the view that he is of fixed ideas.

A long thumb is are indication of sagacity. The second phalange of the thumb being long shows that he is able to make plans, but because of the shortness of the first phalange, the plans do not come to fruition. The little finger is short and is placed in a low setting. Such a person is generally simple-minded and suffers from a sense of inferiority.

If the number of lines in a palm is limited, it becomes difficult to make any predictions. It also signifies that there will not be many ups and downs in life. Progress of such a person would always be slow.

The thick line indicates struggle, but a gain which is not commensurate with the efforts put in. Two broken lines between the phalanges of the thumb also support this view.

There is a Line of Saturn in the right hand, but it is missing in the left. This shows that the person is trying to rise above the social position of his family.