
Horoscope Matching


Book         : Horoscope Matching

Publisher : Akhil Bhartiya Vedic Shikshan
                    Avam Parshikshan Sansthan

Author     : Acharya V Shastri

About The Book

provides in-depth interpretive text for each of the eight "Kootas" also, besides the number of matched points in each of the life-aspect represented by each of the "Koota". It helps you in understanding the exact meaning of the "numeric results of Asht-koot table" in your marital life. Doshas as told by our learned seers. If there are any "Doshas" appearing in the concerned compatibility check (like, "Nadi dosha" or "Bhrikoota dosha"), but, at the same time, some of the astrological conditions are also nullifying these "Doshas", the following report will mention it in the concluding part. Normally, what happens is that, you may find the dosha and check for the nullifying conditions.

Book Index

  1. Introduction, Importance name of individual or have to birth details of both.
  2. Whats is Ashat Koot K=in Kundli Milan, other types of kundli Milan, North and south Indian Methods of Kundli Milan.
  3. What is Varn koot, impact of varna koot milan in marital life.
  4. What is Vashya Dosha, impact of Vashya Dosha in marital life.
  5. What is Tara, impact of tara in marital life, How to calculate the tara of each horoscope.
  6. What is Yoni Vichar, Is Yoni Vichar is Important in marital life, impact of yoni milan, how to calculate the yoni of each horoscope.
  7. What is Grah Maitri? Is Griah Maitri important for happy married life, how to calculate of Grah Maitri in each chart.
  8. What is Gan , How to Calculate Gan, Importance of Gan in kundli milan, impact of Gan Milan in marital life.
  9. What is Brahkoot, Is Play a major role in married life, How to check Brahkoot dosha.
  10. What is Nari, Importance of Nari, types of Nari, Is nari give impact of baby birth, Is Nari rules the RH Factors of Blood.
  11. What is Manglik Yoga, types of Manglik Yoga, Impact of Manglik Yoga.

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