
Syllabus of Advanced Diploma in Tarot

During this Course you will Learn:-

  1. Tarot cards, their origin, history and introduction.
  2. How card works.
  3. Major and Minor arcana briefly.
  4. Time period calculation by cards.
  5. Color symbolism in Tarot cards.
  6. Number illustration system in cards.
  7. Major arcana (22 cards)-detailed study. Picturing, divinatory meanings and effects during a reading.
  8. Minor arcana (56 cards)-detailed study. Picturing, divinatory meanings and effects during a reading.
  9. Remedies – False belief, Bailiwick, and General.
  10. Charging cards and removing negative energies.
  11. Increasing intuition and self-cleansing.
  12. Careful spreads and shuffling.
  13. Case Studies. (25)Practical readings.

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