Overhead Tank

In olden days the houses were normally of one storey only and rooter was stored on the ground itself. These are the days of multi storeyed houses and buildings. Now normally water is stored in overhead tanks. Overhead tank should be placed in the South - West corner of the building. The main logic behind this is that this corner of the house should be the heaviest and the tank carrying water holds adequate weight.

Overhead Tank
Overhead Tank

The figure shows the appropriate location of the overhead tank.

  1. The overhead tank should always be kept in West, Western Southwest, Southern Southwest or Western Northwest. Apart from this, it is not considered good in any other direction. In these directions it gives financial stability and opens new sources of income.
  2. Overhead tank should never be placed in the centre of the roof (brahma sthan), otherwise life becomes intolerable. It should, never be placed in the Northeast (Ishan) area or there will be financial losses and fear of accidents. If for any reason the tank has to be placed in Ishan, then the construction in Vayavya, Agneya and Nairritya should be relatively higher. In this manner the inauspicious results can be prevented. Tank in the North creates accumulation of debt and severe financial problems.
  3. If possible the tank should not be made of plastic. If a plastic tank is necessary then it should either be black or blue, because these colours absorb sunlight and prevent impurities in water. White coloured tank reflects sunlight and with the result there is a possibility of water becoming impure. If possible a separate tank should be installed for the toilet.
  4. Apart from Western Southwest, West, Western Northwest and Southern Southwest, tank in other corners is inauspicious. Remedy for this is, construction of a slightly higher room in the Southwest area.
  5. Water tank on the terrace should be kept on 2-3 feet high platforms constructed on the roof. If the tank is kept on the flat surface of the roof then it creates mental tension for the residents.
  6. In multistoried buildings, in which water is pumped up to the higher floors, one should make it a point to see that water pipeline always turns right while going up. This is very beneficial.